Treatment of Hairloss From Different Sections Of Scalp.

      Hairloss can take place from different areas of your scalp. Depending from where actually your hairs are falling, we can detect whether you have genetic hair loss or hair loss due to any other reason
Recognizing from where the hair is shedding actually is really a difficult task.because today your hair might fall from one section and on next day from other section.however We can determine what is the major areas of your hairfall.

     What Does Your hairFall Says You?  

1.Genetic HairFall:           Genetic hairfall indicates the hairfall is due to hereditary reason, Heredity is the passing of Characterstic  from parents to their offspring, which means your parents or grandparents may  be having hairfall due to which even you have..

     If your hair is falling from crown section of your head then it is genetic hair fall.We know that genes cannot be changed by any medicines or treatment. 


      The only option is topical medications however that will not give you the desired results.You  can have healthy diet and yoga to prevent because the flow of blood in your scalp has to be changed or managed.

2.Hairfall due to improper diet :
    Improper diet clearly indicates the lack of required nutrition in your body,which makes your hair weak and  finally they fall off.It is very important to make a strict diet plan and execute it.

If your hair is falling majorly from back areas of your head then it is not genetic,but due to lack lack of required nutritions and  essential oils.

1.Make sure you eat Banana atleast twice a day, it provides you with natural fiber,which makes your digestive system strong and prevents removal of essential nutrients.

2.We should never forget about the contribution of Almond in preventing your hairfall and boosting the hair growth.
 (soak almond in water leave it for overnight) and eat it next day in morning .

3.Beetroot: I agree that it is not tasty but believe me it is like a miracle to your hairs,it increases the quantity of bloodflow in our body which in turn makes proper bloodflow to our scalp and prevents hair fall. 
   Make sure you apply proper hairoil and hairmasks atleast twice a week.

3.Hairfall due to hair tieing patterns

If your hair is falling majorly from the sides of your head then also it not genetic but due to the way you tie your hair.
foreg:tieing to tight hair will stretch your hair and make your hairfall.

1. Hair fall from the sides any be prevented by changing the way you tie or dress-up your hair for Eg : If you generally part up your hair from left then you should part your hair from middle or on the right side, but keep changing your position of your hair partition.

2.Make a loose braid while you go to sleep.(since if you leave your hair untied it will get tangled which will result in hairfall while removing these tangles)

Make sure You do not use any harsh Chemicals.

Hope this information was useful. Take a moment to share this remedy with your friends If it worked in your case. Have a lovely day ! Take care, Eat healthy Stay healthy.
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