HAIRS are most comforting and irritating at the same time isn't it?Well is the natural oil that your hair leaves in 1-2 days after you wash your hairs makes you uncomfortable or worried.
Let me tell you its all about the POROSITY of your hairs.
Now the question is what does porosity of hair means and how does it effect your hair.Porosity is basically ability of your hair cuticle to let things get in to it and out of it.
Hair Strand |
let us have look at hair cuticle.It is how our hair strand is and grey colored part is hair cuticle .
Here left hand side cuticle is closed cuticle whereas right hand side has open cuticle.
Each and every person has different levels of closed or open cuticle which is measured in terms of porosity of hairs.
Now the reason of excess of oil is opening of cuticle of your hair strands,which lets in oil and later with the help of these opened cuticle hair comes out.The issue to decide the porosity of your.
here I will mention 3 tests which will help you determine your hair porosity.
1.Water test:
1.Take Glass of water. (transparent one)
2.Get Your hair strand
Get a single hair that falls from your hair or could just pluck it from your scalp.
3.Put your hair strand in water Glass.Check the results after 30-45 minutes.
1. If your hair strand reaches to bottom of the bowl or some where close to bottom then the porosity of your hair is very high/high
(i.e your hairs have open cuticle ).
2. If your hair strand is between the bowl or sinks in to the water then the porosity of your hair is medium.(i.e hair cuticles are slightly open)
3.If your hair strand remains on the top the the bowl or gets in slightly them the porosity of your hair is low(i.e hair cuticles are closed)
2.Drying Test
1.After you bath just do not use towel for your body or hair,simply let them dry naturally.
2.Just observe what dries off first
1.If your body dries up first then porosity of your hair is low.
2.If your hair dries up first then porosity of your hair is high.
The reason is if your hair have high porosity cuticles are open and which lead to hair get in quickly and dries up faster than your body.
3.Smoothness test:
1.Take your hair strand and rub your fingers on it .
2.Check if find any inconsistency in the hair strand
3.repeat 3-4 times
1.If you find and inconsistency ,find some roughness in it then your hairs have high porosity .
2.Else it has low or medium porosity
It is important to know that different sections of your hair may have different porosity levels.It is possible that from section may be low porous and crown section may be highly porous
Hope you find it useful.Do share it with your friends.ThankYou.
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